Whatever industry you’re in, your goal in crafting a presentation is a simple one: connect with the client on a subconscious level and remove any possibility that they might choose someone else.
But here’s the thing — if you’re not doing these things, you’re gambling that no one else is either. If you show up with an ordinary, compelling pitch and someone else took the time to create an emotional experience, you’re definitely going home empty-handed.
If you really care about this deal, if you really want to demonstrate to this audience that they matter to you, then you can’t just copy and paste your last presentation and insert a new logo on the first page. It’s not enough to want to be remarkable — you need to purposefully weave moments of magic into your presentation.
Magic to help you connect, build trust, and keep their attention on what you have to say.
M: Make it surprising.
A: Analyze them on a deeper level.
G: Give the pitch in the right order.
I: Include 3D objects.
C: Co-create together.
That’s it. Those simple steps will channel all of your enthusiasm into an experience that will seal the deal. Simple, right? Sure. But not easy. And that’s why Diana Kander and I wrote Go Big or Go Home.
Our new book shows you how to turn that MAGIC formula into something you can deploy again and again to turn mediocre experiences into remarkable ones.
The book is available today! Click the link below to get your own copy and learn how to land those deals in extraordinary fashion.