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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Centuries of artifacts showcased to

educate and enlighten.

Founded in 1869, The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) is one of the nation’s preeminent medical research universities and teaching hospitals. UNMC’s long-established Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library is home to an impressive, multi-story collection of medical books, archival documents, research materials, and medical artifacts, including a rare book collection that dates back to the 14th and15th centuries.


When the university decided to embark upon a building-wide renovation of the library’s historic Wittson Hall building and turn it into a collaborative Student Learning Center and Commons, they chose DI as the museum exhibit designer to help showcase their story for students and staff, as well as prospective students, families, and visiting dignitaries.


DI worked early on with the Library staff and the school’s Chancellor to come up with a cohesive story and vision for the new exhibits. During exhibit planning, designers at DI developed high-fidelity fundraising materials that helped the University obtain several rounds of generous donor funding to ensure the installation of the exhibits by the grand opening of the new Wigton Heritage Center in 2021.


The exhibits, which cover the first three floors of the newly renovated building, were designed to address three different audiences at different levels of engagement. On the first floor, large-scale digital and graphic displays address students, staff, and the general public along active thoroughfares, imparting the rich history of the school and its esteemed leaders throughout the years. The displays provide a high-level overview for busy passers-by and several additional levels of interaction and depth for those with time to stop and learn more.

3 Floors

Artifacts are displayed across three levels within the building

14th Century

Oldest artifacts date back to the 14th-15th Centuries


On the second-floor student commons area, more in-depth exhibits are displayed throughout passageways and collaborative/study areas for students and staff to learn more about the history of their field, including: a special collection of historical medical instruments from the Civil War era and other artifacts that span several centuries, an 1870s era dentist office diorama created with authentic artifacts on loan from an avid collector, including a digital portal to view the rest of his vast collection, a singular collection of diverse infant feeding apparatus that have been used over the millennia and across the globe, important historic figures that contributed to the cultural diversity of the school, and a special exhibit on UNMC’s place in the early treatment of Ebola.


The executive floor showcases select high-end exhibits tailored specifically for the school Chancellor and visiting dignitaries, including an extensive rare book collection requiring NARA-quality handling and preservation. The exhibit design allows for the staff to easily change out the books or pages on display, in order to preserve the fragile artifacts and keep them intact.


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Carole Hollman

Carole Hollman

Practice Director - Cultural

With over 13 years of experience in the museum design/build world, Carole has successfully led and facilitated large-scale exhibit and interpretive projects of national importance around the country for over a decade. Carole’s passion... more about Carole Hollman Carole Hollman Carole Hollman Practice Director - Cultural

With over 13 years of experience in the museum design/build world, Carole has successfully led and facilitated large-scale exhibit and interpretive projects of national importance around the country for over a decade. Carole’s passion for storytelling and her love of the non-profit, educational world make her a natural and compassionate leader in this field. Her combined skills and professional experience make her a powerful listener, communicator, client liaison, internal and external group facilitator, conceptual thinker, visionary, and team leader.

Having spent 20+ years in a number of different creative and educational fields, she brings an added design mentality and the benefits of cross-industry experience to any project. She has an extensive background across a wide range of fields, including: Museum and Exhibit Design and Fabrication; Software Design and Development; Healthcare and Healthcare Education/Certification; Professional and Continuing Education; and K-12 Educational Design.

As the project leader, Carole’s main goal is to assemble the best team for each project, set them up for highest success, and let them do what they do best, while staying personally involved at a high level from beginning to end. Notable past projects include: The Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum; Wonderscope Children’s Museum; UNMC McGoogan Library Wigton Heritage Center; Dane G. Hansen Museum; Zoo Knoxville, KidScape at the Johnson County Museum, and the Kansas Museum of History.

Paul Martin

Paul Martin

Director of Transit and Advanced Manufacturing

Brought onboard to Dimensional Innovations in 2020, Paul has over 20 years of experience developing and executing some of the world’s most challenging architectural cladding projects. He specializes in working directly with design,... more about Paul Martin Paul Martin Paul Martin Director of Transit and Advanced Manufacturing

Brought onboard to Dimensional Innovations in 2020, Paul has over 20 years of experience developing and executing some of the world’s most challenging architectural cladding projects. He specializes in working directly with design, ownership, and contracting teams to refine and optimize designs for fabrication and installation. Using DI’s advanced CNC equipment, including the largest 3D printer commercially available, Paul is able to assist designers in realizing their most ambitious projects, while working directly with the Operations group to ensure budget and schedule expectations. Paul is also able to leverage the vast capabilities with DI’s design and technology departments to further enhance the projects under development. 


Paul earned a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University. He often presents his work at industry conferences and guest lectures at various university programs.

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